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NetBox employs the django-tables2 library for rendering dynamic object tables. These tables display lists of objects, and can be sorted and filtered by various parameters.


To provide additional functionality beyond what is supported by the stock Table class in django-tables2, NetBox provides the NetBoxTable class. This custom table class includes support for:

  • User-configurable column display and ordering
  • Custom field & custom link columns
  • Automatic prefetching of related objects

It also includes several default columns:

  • pk - A checkbox for selecting the object associated with each table row (where applicable)
  • id - The object's numeric database ID, as a hyperlink to the object's view (hidden by default)
  • actions - A dropdown menu presenting object-specific actions available to the user


import django_tables2 as tables
from netbox.tables import NetBoxTable
from .models import MyModel

class MyModelTable(NetBoxTable):
    name = tables.Column(

    class Meta(NetBoxTable.Meta):
        model = MyModel
        fields = ('pk', 'id', 'name', ...)
        default_columns = ('pk', 'name', ...)

Table Configuration

The NetBoxTable class features dynamic configuration to allow users to change their column display and ordering preferences. To configure a table for a specific request, simply call its configure() method and pass the current HTTPRequest object. For example:

table = MyModelTable(data=MyModel.objects.all())

This will automatically apply any user-specific preferences for the table. (If using a generic view provided by NetBox, table configuration is handled automatically.)


The table column classes listed below are supported for use in plugins. These classes can be imported from netbox.tables.columns.

BooleanColumn (Column)

Custom implementation of BooleanColumn to render a nicely-formatted checkmark or X icon instead of a Unicode character.

ChoiceFieldColumn (Column)

Render a model's static ChoiceField with its value from get_FOO_display() as a colored badge. Background color is set by the instance's get_FOO_color() method, if defined.

ColorColumn (Column)

Display an arbitrary color value, specified in RRGGBB format.

ColoredLabelColumn (TemplateColumn)

Render a related object as a colored label. The related object must have a color attribute (specifying an RRGGBB value) and a get_absolute_url() method.

ContentTypeColumn (Column)

Display a ContentType instance.

ContentTypesColumn (ManyToManyColumn)

Display a list of ContentType instances.

MarkdownColumn (TemplateColumn)

Render a Markdown string.

TagColumn (TemplateColumn)

Display a list of Tags assigned to the object.

TemplateColumn (TemplateColumn)

Overrides django-tables2's stock TemplateColumn class to render a placeholder symbol if the returned value is an empty string.

__init__(self, export_raw=False, **kwargs) special


Name Type Description Default

If true, data export returns the raw field value rather than the rendered template. (Default: False)


Extending Core Tables

Plugins can register their own custom columns on core tables using the register_table_column() utility function. This allows a plugin to attach additional information, such as relationships to its own models, to built-in object lists.

import django_tables2
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

from dcim.tables import SiteTable
from utilities.tables import register_table_column

mycol = django_tables2.Column(
    verbose_name=_('My Column'),

register_table_column(mycol, 'foo', SiteTable)

You'll typically want to define an accessor identifying the desired model field or relationship when defining a custom column. See the django-tables2 documentation for more information on creating custom columns.

register_table_column(column, name, *tables)

Register a custom column for use on one or more tables.


Name Type Description Default

The column instance to register


The name of the table column


One or more table classes
